So We… Lose The Plot

Join us as we try to guess the plots of obscure films, struggle with simple maths, and basic reading comprehension.

So We… Talk About Christmas

Join us on a ramble through all things festive! Find out about our Christmases Past, which of us is most likely to embarrass ourselves in a restaurant, and what we really think about the festive season!

So We… Watch TV

Join us as we reminisce about all the TV we’ve been watching while we’ve been stuck indoors, discuss the finer points of Chess, and consider why we watch things that we don’t actually enjoy…

So We… Took IQ Tests

Join us, as we take IQ tests, and discover who is really the more intelligent of us, whatever Albert might say, and regardless of whether or not IQ tests actually mean anything.

So We… Talk About Music

Join us on a journey through our musical tastes, discover our ideas of mood music, find out how indecisive we are about our playlists, and be surprised about Sam’s (almost) perfect pitch.

So We… Host A Dinner Party

Join us as we host our dream dinner party, inviting the most scintillating and best guests we can think of. Just as long as John doesn’t forget who we’re actually inviting.

So We…Talk About Weddings

Join us as we showcase our divergent approaches to planning, discuss our mutual love of The Corrs, and discover just how little John has thought about what he wants in a wedding.

So We…Talk About Astrology

Join us as we enter the realms of mystery and discuss whether or not celestial bodies affect our lives, whether or not John is a Capricorn or an Aquarius, and whether or not our relationship should even work at all.

So We… Played Video Games

Join us as we take a trip down memory lane to discuss the games that made us who we are today, the games we’re playing today, and why new games need to be more like old games.